• Front of tongue: Extensive surgery with postoperative radiotherapy for selected patients. For very advanced
lesions, radiotherapy alone for palliation.
• Inside of cheek: Radical surgery , radiotherapy or both in sequence.
• Floor of mouth: Combination of surgery and radiotherapy. If there are large (over 2 in./5 cm) fixed nodes ,
radiotherapy is given preoperatively.
• Lower gums: Advanced tumors are poorly controlled with surgery, radiotherapy or both.
• Behind wisdom teeth: Surgery followed by radiotherapy.
• Upper gums: Surgery and radiotherapy.
• Hard palate: Surgery and radiotherapy.
Five-Year Survival Up to 40 to 50 percent for all locations
Recurrent Cancer Treatment depends on the location and size of the recurrent tumor, as well as the nature of the original treatment. If radiotherapy was used initially, surgery is preferred. If surgery was used initially, radiotherapy or a combination of both may be used. Because results are poor after using the "other" treatment for a recurrence , clinical trials using chemotherapy or hyperthermia should be considered.